In celebration of our special collaboration with Taylor LaShae, we wanted to take a few moments to highlight where she finds inspiration, what she prioritizes making time for and more.
What’s something you prioritize and make time for?
I always make time for my spa days… the days I go a get a massage or facial… every week i have a spa treatment.. or a work out class. I take French lessons twice a week. I like to prioritize the things that make me happy, help me relax and keep me grounded.
How do you make a bad day better?
I wish I knew the easy answer to this.. life would be so much easier, wouldn’t it? When I'm having a bad day, I either take a nap or reset… because sometimes there is nothing you can do about it and you just need to take a breather for a bit. The other thing I do is continue to push through, not letting ANYTHING else happen to mess up my day. Either way, if you find the actual answer to this, let me know.

Where do you find or look for inspiration?
I find it in the music I listen to.. music sways me and makes me feel. If i wake up and listen to Dinah Washington or Billie Holiday I want to feel and inspire to be powerful that day… If I'm listening to rap or pop pumps I want to feel more trendy and youthful… music really is my biggest inspiration on the daily.
What’s your favorite time of day?
I prefer the mornings. I prefer waking up and seeing myself still. I get to start the day however I please, and make it the best I can. I put on a candle, and some piano music.. it feels like I’m most in control of my day and myself right when I wake up.. its my decision and my decision only to make the most of this fresh new slate day.