GIFTS: From BREDA with Love

Disability Pride Month with Damaris Orellana

Time & Space

Disability Pride Month with Damaris Orellana

Posted on 07/24/23

Continuing our celebration of Disability Pride Month, we sat down with New-York based model Damaris Orellana to explore her thoughts on individuality, family, and travel.

"Myelomeningocele (also known as open spina bifida) is a congenital condition (birth defect) in which a child’s backbone and spinal canal don’t close before birth. It’s a type of neural tube defect (NTD)."

- Cleveland Clinic

Tell us about yourself - who you are and what makes you you?

I am a 29 year old woman who can never stay still, and choose to travel on every opportunity that presents itself. I am a wife, a daughter, and a cat mom that pushes herself too hard when she should be kinder to her body.

What have you learned from having a disability that you may not have learned otherwise?

It is quite difficult to live in the "Greatest City in the USA" when most places are not accessible to people with disabilities. I learned to adapt to my surroundings with the help of my husband, my family, and friends. They are always making sure that wherever I go, I am able to reach my goals.

How do you embrace being different?

I look at the mirror, and I remind myself to "Be Loud and Be Proud because there will never be an amazing person like you."

What's one piece of advice you live by?

If you want to do something for yourself. Do it, especially if it makes you feel good.

Choose only one - past, present, or future - and explain your selection.

Present. I don't want to be stuck in the past or dwell on the future because if I do then I would miss out on celebrating my own, and my family's achievements in the moment.