Father’s Day is a time to reflect on the figures who have nurtured and shaped our paths, guiding us to become the best versions of ourselves. Join us for our final 'Nurturing Time: A Father's Presence' interview, featuring New York City-based Stylist and Author Andrew Gelwicks, where he shares the journey of his relationship with his father and how it has influenced his life.
Describe your father in your own words.
My dad is a fierce advocate and supporter of his family. He is intelligent, extremely loyal, and will drop everything to help those he cares about – all combined with a hint of neuroses.
Describe how your relationship with your father has evolved throughout your life.
Growing up, we had a strained relationship, learning to navigate each other's quirks and personalities. Over the past ten years, our relationship has grown stronger. Looking back on my childhood, he did everything to support and understand me. I appreciate how his support and love have been steadfast, and he never gave up on me.

"Looking back on my childhood, he did everything to support and understand me. I appreciate how his support and love have been steadfast, and he never gave up on me."

What’s the most rewarding part of being your father's child?
Getting older, I can appreciate all he has done to get my sister and me to a place where we can follow our dreams and set up for success. Admittedly, I did not reach this perspective until my late twenties. I was able to get a better understanding of all he has done for me.
Time is evolving, but what is one unwavering truth that your father instilled upon you?
My dad is a lover of quotes, and one of his favorites is Andre Gide's "The color of truth is gray." This is something I think about often when dealing with the murkiness of everyday life situations. It's easier to see decisions and situations as black and white, but having a perspective of complexity allowed me to make better and more informed decisions.
"My dad is a lover of quotes, and one of his favorites is Andre Gide's "The color of truth is gray." This is something I think about often when dealing with the murkiness of everyday life situations."