GIFTS: From BREDA with Love

Nurturing Time

A Mother's Presence with Meg Stacker King

Posted on 05/02/22

Mother’s Day is a time to reflect on the figures who have nurtured and shaped our paths, guiding us to become the best versions of ourselves. Join us for our second 'A Mother's Presence' interview, featuring Seattle-based editorial photographer Meg Stacker King, where she shares the importance of community and balancing time in her role as both a mother and artist.

What time were you born? What time was your child/children born?


I was born at 9:14 PM, and my son was born at 11:08 AM. Being in labor for 50 hours, my doula had me do a headstand off the bed onto a chair. I looked at her like she was crazy, but that position worked, it readjusted his trajectory, and he was finally able to find his way out into the world, a Libra Sun with Scorpio Rising.


Support can come in different variations. Who are the people that have given support when you needed it most?


In the depths of motherhood, from prenatal to postpartum to the current toddler years, I am so grateful for my therapist, the nannies on the road who have made it possible for me to work, and all of the moms I know. I have found a lot of support from other mothers, my mom, the NY moms who helped navigate my crazy journey of pregnancy and birth. Alongside friends that are moms and have given me advice on which schools, potty training and things that I couldn't spend time thinking about it. The people who commiserate and fully felt the hard times right along with me. It takes a village not only to raise a child, but to support a mother.

"The people who commiserate and fully felt the hard times right along with me. It takes a village not only to raise a child, but to support a mother."

Have you been able to balance time for yourself? What does that look like?


Self-care is definitely a work in progress for me. This dance of being a creative, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister and a daughter can be messy and challenging. I am constantly wrestling with making time for myself and have learned that even if it is just a quick 20-minute workout it makes a big difference. On the days that I get in an hour of yoga, I feel like I’ve gone to the moon! He is finally getting old enough that he's able to set up a workout obstacle course for himself and will workout while I workout!


What is one thing you encourage when it comes to raising your child/children?


I actually have two, empathy and creative exploration. :)

"In all the ways you want to care, love, and give to your child, the best care is that you take good care of your needs. That way, you will have the energy and patience to hold space during the constant ups and downs of motherhood."

Best advice you’ve ever been given?


To mamas - You are important too! In all the ways you want to care, love, and give to your child, the best care is that you take good care of your needs. That way, you will have the energy and patience to hold space during the constant ups and downs of motherhood.


Do you have any advice about motherhood?


Don't compare! Don't compare your child and their developments, parenting, milestones, and training methods. We all have different priorities and needs for our lifestyle. I knew that my child was going to be constantly on the road. That there would need to be flexibility, that he would need to adapt to new places, people and routines. That motherhood analysis paralysis will definitely try to sneak up on you often, but trust that you know what is best for you, your child, your family, and your path.