GIFTS: From BREDA with Love

Time and Space is a journal series exploring creation, human connection, and intimate spaces.

We’ve found ourselves inspired by our friend Dashiel Brahmann - an NYC-based designer and owner of a menswear label, Dashiel Brahmann. We took a visit to Dashiel’s SoHo studio, where he gave us a tour and some treasured insight. Here we discuss the perfect work space, creative process and how he finds the perfect balance of practical elegance.



Has sourcing vintage fabric always been something you’ve been conscious of?

Not necessarily. It’s something that I stumbled into out of material exploration and out of necessity. I've always loved 1960s/70s clothing but not necessarily the way it fits which is why I started making clothing using vintage materials. I’m certainly passionate about sustainability but find ‘sustainability’ largely to be a marketing term. Making fewer more meaningful garments that people will keep for the rest of their lives is something I’m passionate about.



What are some future goals you have for yourself?

More creative freedom! I would like to take a more artistic approach that is less concerned about commerciality and more so about doing something different. Also, it would be nice to have the money to outsource more of the labor process. I've sewn about 2-300 garments in the past year.


What is something that you want people to know about you?

I’ll answer whatever question you ask.




Describe your ideal workspace in 3 words.

Bright Soho loft.


What's a skill/quality you've gotten better at with time?

Creative problem solving.



When it comes to your creative process do you ever hit roadblocks? 

If so, what are some ways that help you move forward? Of course — mainly it’s due to finances so I take breaks and spend time with friends.


Has the artwork that you’ve done influenced your garments or vice versa?

They’re one in the same.



What’s something you prioritize and make time for?

Good times as well as both creative and personal exploration.


How do you make a bad day better? 

Confide in a good friend over a glass of wine.