Play with Subliming
Introducing ‘Play with Subliming’ — In collaboration with Designer and Artist Tessa Forrest, we’ve created an exclusive variation of our Play watch with Subliming.
This project focuses on the idea that practicing play and presence are the key to strong mental health. As we grow and age we often leave acts of play behind and forget to continue workshopping ourselves in this way.

Reconnecting to our inner child, ‘Play with Subliming’ pulls elements from the vibrant moments that fill our lives, that bring us a sense of joy and exist as simple reminders that to play is to release—to play is to heal.
Made with recycled plastic materials, the 35mm TR90 case and 20mm thermoplastic polyurethane band are built to withstand the days of high heat and adventure. Meant to take on H20, Play exists as a companion to enjoy your body and engage in playful practice.

Each Play with Subliming watch is wrapped in a reusable, 100% recycled paper packaging. A colorful capsule to please the inner child.
In addition to our collaboration timepiece, we created a vibrant, bubble letter rubber keychain to carry around the reminder that timing is everything.

"This campaign with BREDA symbolizes so many things that are close to my heart. The importance of play and healing your inner child as a path to mindfulness are some of the biggest tools I work with in my day to day. Creating for creating’s sake, rejecting content culture, and presence under the phrase 'timing is everything' are the roots of this work. To create this watch with these intentions behind it makes it all the more meaningful—and to have 5% of the proceeds donated to NAMI as well as my family who live with a variety of mental illnesses makes it even more so. For those that struggle with your mental health, you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you. I hope you can find the tools to heal or at the very least incorporate vitality into your life, and know that you deserve to enjoy your time here on earth."
Tessa Forrest
"Working with Subliming on this project has been truly so special. In the roots of the collaboration it was such an easy decision to work from the Play collection, which is about releasing the mind of boundaries that allow us to grow away from curiosity and acts of playfulness. This collection to me has always been about growing up and in this project we really leaned into the connection or reconnection and healing of the inner child.
Sometimes I feel that we are all just kids looking for answers. As we get older we develop a form of cognitive dissonance of what our little hearts and minds want, to what societal structures or collective histories that are placed upon us want. Inside all of us, each day, is our little selves just trying to get out there and play, to explore, and to find answers.
This campaign is about nurturing, listening and asking ‘What does your inner child want? What answers are you searching for?’ Being drawn back to youthful motifs, we give you Play with Subliming, a vibrant companion to carry the reminder that timing is everything."
Kendall Falcon
Creative Director, BREDA
Product Design: Efrain Villa
Creative Direction: Kendall Falcon
Photographer: Kalan Briggs
Art Direction: Corrina Mackinnon
Assistant & Film Photography: Helen Jade Shedd
Web Design: Zacree Cobos

In honor of our collaboration, we bring you a more intimate look behind the project. We got some quality time with Tessa to discuss how ‘Play with Subliming’ came to life.