In New Form

Our Regeneration campaign surveys the current times we’re living in and explores the idea that to become something new and perhaps, evolve into something better, it must first be broken down to the most fundamental level. With that comes reflection. Looking inward at our own core values, we’ve asked ourselves what we can do next to evolve into something better.

Regeneration is an introduction to a new way of doing things for BREDA. Expanding on our vision, ‘timeless self-expression’, we are taking bigger steps to stand as advocates for individuality and celebrating ever-evolving personal style. We have chosen to drop gendered language from the brand by way of our communities journey through all of our BREDA channels.

'We only desire for you to experience what we create as it pleases you, as it fits your form and your life.'

We have recognized that we have work to do and to truly stand for self-expression is to live outside the boundaries of binary. We want to embrace whatever journey or interaction you experience with BREDA and want anyone to feel at home here. We only desire for you to experience what we create as it pleases you, as it fits your form and your life.

While we celebrate this change because we believe it is a positive one, we know that with change comes challenge. While we will keep pushing to build a more connected community, this is only an introduction and the next steps we’re taking to evolve, to become something better. BREDA is here to provide a platform and push the stories of passionate creators, in any form. BREDA welcomes, BREDA says come as you are. 

 - Kendall Nickoliné Falcon
Creative Director, BREDA